Coronavirus (COVID-19) Preparedness Information
澳门银河网上赌场医院致力于提供最高质量的护理,并确保患者的安全, 员工, 供应商, 义工及访客. 澳门银河网上赌场正在继续监测冠状病毒(COVID-19)的演变情况,并正在采取必要措施,确保澳门银河网上赌场为照顾患者做好充分准备, 根据疾病控制和预防中心的指导,并与澳门银河网上赌场当地和州卫生部门合作.
Below are a number of resources to help educate you and your family on COVID-19. For the most up-do-date information on the virus, please contact the 卫生部门.
- MS State Department of Health:,0,420.html
- Mississippi Coronavirus Hotline (8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday): 877-978-645
Our hospital’s top priority is safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our patients, 供应商, 员工与社区. 澳门银河网上赌场将继续密切监测澳门银河网上赌场社区中冠状病毒(COVID-19)的流行情况,并遵循州和联邦的指导,调整澳门银河网上赌场的业务,以安全地照顾和支持澳门银河网上赌场的患者. 的 following visitor policy is effective March 1, 2022.
- 所有游客都必须登记入住,进行体温和症状筛查. 参观者将获得一张参观者通行证,在参观期间必须一直佩戴. 游客 will check-out with registration and return the pass.
- 一个 (1) 在上午7:30至下午5:30期间,所有住院病人都可以接受访客/看护. 访客可在周一至周五从医院的前厅/正门进入,周六和周日从急诊科进入. 在访客通行证重新登记之前,其他访客将不被允许进入.
- 进入急诊科的病人将允许有一名健康访客/护理人员.
- 接受外科手术的患者将允许有一名健康访客/护理人员, both outpatient and inpatient.
- 只有产科患者和儿科患者将继续允许一名健康访客/护理人员过夜.
- 长期护理探视取决于玻利瓦尔县的阳性率,并由国家准则确定. Visitation policies will be communicated to residents and their families.
- 游客 are NOT allowed for intensive care, 高风险, 隔离, 正在接受观察或COVID-19检测呈阳性的免疫功能低下和/或呼吸道患者.
- 未通过体温检查或有疾病迹象和症状的游客将不允许进入该设施.
- 访客/护理人员必须与病人呆在指定的区域.
- 的 cafeteria remains closed to the public.
- 游客 must be 18 years or older.
情况可能允许在医生的自由裁量权对上述标准的特殊例外. 根据当地社区COVID-19活动或其他情有可原的情况,允许灵活性.
一个 well visitor/caregiver is strictly enforced.
To stay the most up-to-date, review some additional news items:
- 社区 members are urged to wear masks
- How the pandemic has made 澳门银河网上赌场 better
- Care Connect communication line available
- Post COVID-19 康复
Common Questions about COVID-19 Vaccines:
Variant Strains of COVID-19
是什么 澳门银河网上赌场 doing to prepare for the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant?
Our team is highly skilled at managing and treating infectious diseases of all types, 包括COVID-19. 澳门银河网上赌场将继续严格遵循美国疾病控制与预防中心和澳门银河网上赌场当地/州卫生部门的指导,并遵守澳门银河网上赌场工厂一直实施的严格的健康和安全协议. 的se operating protocols were further enhanced when the pandemic began and include:
- Requiring masking for everyone inside our facilities
- Screening for COVID-19 symptoms
- Enhanced cleaning and disinfection protocols
- Wearing appropriate personal protective equipment
- Isolating patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19
Is the Omicron variant more contagious than other strains?
早期数据表明,欧米克隆可能比任何其他已确定的菌株(包括德尔塔变异)更具传染性,这意味着它更具传染性. Omicron has been detected in most U.S. states and is rapidly increasing the proportion of COVID-19 cases it is causing. 的 CDC expects that anyone with Omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don’t have symptoms.
Is the Omicron variant more deadly than Delta or other previous strains?
随着研究的继续发展,澳门银河网上赌场仍在了解欧米克隆变体的特征. 目前,澳门银河网上赌场知道你能做的最好的事情就是接种COVID-19疫苗来帮助保护自己. Vaccinated individuals are significantly less likely to spread the virus, become severely ill if they do contract COVID-19, require hospitalization or die.
Do current COVID-19 vaccines protect against the Omicron variant?
研究正在进行中, but current vaccines are expected to protect against severe illness, hospitalizations and deaths due to infection with the Omicron variant.
Is 医院 testing COVID-19-positive patients for the Omicron variant?
We 是/不是 testing patients with COVID-19 to determine which strain they may have. 的 specific type of variant doesn’t impact how we care for COVID-19 patients, 它也不会影响现有的健康和安全协议,以保护澳门银河网上赌场的团队和所有进入澳门银河网上赌场设施的人.
What should our community do to slow the spread of the Omicron variant?
We already have the right tools at our disposal to combat Omicron. 最好的防御是接种COVID-19疫苗,并鼓励你认识的每个人接种疫苗. 此时此刻, 澳门银河网上赌场看到的大多数因COVID-19住院的患者都没有接种疫苗. 它是 also wise to wear a mask, 与他人保持社交距离并保持适当的手部卫生,以帮助减缓疾病的传播.
If I have already been vaccinated, 我是否应该注射加强针来进一步保护自己免受欧米克隆变异病毒的侵害?
是的. If you meet the criteria for receiving a 升压 dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, 强烈建议你尽快接种疫苗,以帮助保护自己,防止疾病传播. 疾病预防控制中心 recommends that everyone ages 18 years and older should get a 升压 shot at least two months after their initial J&J/Janssen疫苗或完成辉瑞- biontech或Moderna的COVID-19初次接种系列后6个月.
Breakthrough cases of COVID-19 are possible regardless of the specific variant, as no vaccine is 100% effective. 的 good news is that even if you contract COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated, you are significantly less likely to become severely ill or require hospitalization.
Has the Omicron variant been identified in our community?
关于Omicron变体在澳门银河网上赌场社区中的存在和影响的最佳信息来源是 当地卫生部门.
Will there be other strains of SARS-CoV-2?
它是 病毒发生变异并发展出新的毒株是正常的——流感病毒每年都会发生这种情况, 例如. 正因为如此, there are several different strains of the SARS-CoV-2 currently circulating, and it is likely that other strains may develop over time. 接种COVID-19疫苗非常重要,可以帮助保护自己和他人免受任何病毒株的感染.
澳门银河网上赌场 Urges 社区 Members to Wear Masks
澳门银河网上赌场敦促社区成员在不易保持社会距离的公共场所佩戴口罩或布口罩,以帮助阻止新冠病毒的传播. 这与疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)和州卫生部的建议一致, as being an effective way to prevent the spread of the illness. 该医院已经在其设施内制定了一项通用的口罩协议,要求任何进入医院的人都要戴口罩.
Not all masks are created equal. Wear the right one to keep you and others safe. See the image below for guidance. Click the image to download a larger/printable file
发布信息 Request
由于COVID-19病毒, 资料发布部将以传真及邮寄方式处理所有医疗纪录的索取要求. If you would like a copy of your medical record, 请填写HIPAA授权释放表格,并传真或邮寄至以下地址或传真号码. 的 HIPAA Authorization Form can also be found on our website at Additionally, if you want a copy of your radiology disk, it too will be mailed. If you have questions please call the number below. We apologize for any inconvenience.
社区 & 患者教育页面
Your source for guidance around all things COVID-19.
For all media inquiries, contact the Director of Marketing at 662-846-2238, or email bolv.bolivarinfo@lpnt.网,或留言 @BolivarMedicalCenter 在Facebook上.